P. 25523 R: Rundschreiben (?)

Material:  Papyrus Acquisition:  Blechkiste 304.
Form:  Blatt Location:   Papyrusdepot
Text Layout:  8 Zeilen Side and Direction:   Rekto, parallel zu den Fasern
Language:  Griechisch Other Side:   anderer Text
Genre:  dokumentarisch Script and Notations:  
Date:  3. Jh. n.Chr. Provenance:  Arsinoites (?)
Rundschreiben (?) des Prokurators πρὸς ταῖς ἐπισκέψεσι an die Strategen der Heptanomia und des Arsinoites.
C. A. Nelson, BGU XV 2509 R.
Additional Literature:
Zur Identifizierung vgl. R. A. Coles, Rez. zu BGU XV, JEA 73, 1987, 255 = BL IX 35.
TM 30050  HGV 30050  Papyri.info 30050
Text, based on the Duke Databank of Documentary Papyri (CC BY), see links:


1[-ca.?-]α̣των ς̣[-ca.?-]
2[ἀντίγραφον τῆ]ς̣ ἐπιστολῆς ὑ[πόκειται (?)]-ca.?-]
3[ἐπισ]κέψ̣εσι στρατ̣η̣γ̣[οῖς (?)]-ca.?-]
4[-ca.?-] Ἀρ̣σ̣ινο̣είτου [-ca.?-]
5[-ca.?-] κατʼ ἄνδρα  ̣[-ca.?-]
6[-ca.?-]ντο ἑκαστ[ο ]-ca.?-]
7[-ca.?- δη]μ̣οσια πρ[-ca.?-]
8[-ca.?-]  ̣  ̣  ̣ιλ( ) [-ca.?-]


1[-ca.?-]α̣των ς̣[-ca.?-]
2[ἀντίγραφον τῆ]ς̣ ἐπιστολῆς ὑ[πόκειται (?)]-ca.?-]
3[ἐπισ]κέψ̣εσι στρατ̣η̣γ̣[οῖς (?)]-ca.?-]
4[-ca.?-] Ἀρ̣σ̣ινο̣είτου [-ca.?-]
5[-ca.?-] κατʼ ἄνδρα  ̣[-ca.?-]
6[-ca.?-]ντο ἑκαστ[ο ]-ca.?-]
7[-ca.?- δη]μ̣οσια πρ[-ca.?-]
8[-ca.?-]  ̣  ̣  ̣ιλ( ) [-ca.?-]
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