HGV – Heidelberger Gesamtverzeichnis der griechischen Papyrusurkunden Ägyptens:
Database with metadata for all published Greek and Latin papyri and ostraka from Egypt and adjacent regions. German translations of numerous texts from the Berlin collection are added by the project „Übersetzung Berliner Griechische Urkunden (BGU) I–IV“.

The interdisciplinary project started from the collection of available data for tests from Egypt from 800 BCE to 800 AD. At the moment Trismegistos is widening its chronological, linguistic and regional focus. The final goal is to collect the metadata to all ancient texts at large. Besides data to the texts themselves, Trismegistos also offers useful information regarding collections, archives, ancient names, places, networks, authors, editors, seals and stamps, abbreviations and formulae, calendars and text irregularities, bibliographies, online-publications and LDAB (see below).

Fully searchable database of all published papyri and ostraka in Greek and Latin.

LDAB – Leuven Database of Ancient Books:
Comprehensive database for literary texts.

Device for an efficient search of all digitised and catalogued papyrus collections in Germany.

Neues Fachwörterbuch (nFWB):
Online-dictionary of administrative Greek for the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine periods.

Collection of pictures of dated papyri.

Checklist of Editions of Greek, Latin, Demotic, and Coptic Papyri, Ostraca, and Tablet:
Liste aller Texteditionen und Angabe aller Siglen zur korrekten Zitierung bzw. Auffindung einzelner Texte.List of all editions including their scribal abbreviations.