59 search results for: Date to "400" AND Date from "301" AND Genre contains "literarisch"

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Xenophon, Cyropaedia 2 4, 22–23, 26–27
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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Septuaginta, Psalmen 103, 18–19, 26–27 und 105, 17–18, 25–26.
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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Homer, Ilias 5, 742–748, 786–793
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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Fragmente aus einem hermetischen Sammelwerk (?)
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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Theokritos, Idyll 1 (Thyrsis), 31–35, 73–78
4. Jh. n.Chr.
Hermupolis (?)
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Eusebius von Caesarea, Historia Ecclesiastica 6.43, 7–8, 11–12.
4. Jh. n.Chr.
Hermupolis (?)
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Sammlung von Zaubersprüchen
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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Isokrates, Ad Demonicum.
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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Septuaginta, Genesis 41, 48–51 und 55–57
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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Septuaginta, Canticum 5, 13 – 6, 4
4. Jh. n.Chr.
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