P. 9780 R: Kommentar des Didymos zu Reden des Demosthenes

Material:  Papyrus Acquisition:  Ankauf durch Ludwig Borchardt aus dem Papyrusfonds in Kairo 1901, bei den Ruinen eines Hauses, zusammen mit P. 9782.
Find Location:  Eschmunen (?)
Form:  Rolle Location:   A: Ausstellung Neues Museum, Saal 2.11, Vitr. 3 (Wissen) a 2; B: Papyrusdepot
Text Layout:  15 Kolumnen Side and Direction:   Rekto, parallel zu den Fasern
Language:  Griechisch Other Side:   anderer Text
Genre:  literarisch (Prosa) Script and Notations:  Abkürzungen; Trema; Paragraphos; Korrekturen
Date:  2. Hälfte 2. Jh. n.Chr. Provenance:  Hermupolis (?)
Didymos, Kommentar zu Demosthenes, Reden 9 (= Philippika 3), 10 (= Philippika 4), 11 und 13 (für Didymos 12).
Weitere Details.
H. Diels - W. Schubart, BKT I, S. 4–73; Hausmann, Demosthenis fragmenta II, 97–114, Nr. 45; L. Pearson - S. Stephens (Hgg.), Didymi in Demosthenem commenta, Stuttgart 1983; SH 453 (H. Lloyd-Jones - P. Parsons); Ph. Harding, Didymos on Demosthenes. Introduction, Text, Translation and Commenty, Oxford 2006; CPF I.1* 24.38T (Kol. IV 14–18), 24.59T (Kol. V 52–63), 24.39T (Kol. VI 18–36), 24.24T (Kol. 36–43), 59.3T (Kol. VI 50–55) (Red. - G.M. Savorelli); L. Sardone, I papiri del De corona di Demostene. Storia e critica del testo, Bari 2021, 239–241, Nr. 30 (nur Kol. I Z. 8–12 und zur Datierung).
Additional Literature:
Seider, Pal. Gr. II, 104–107, Nr. 38; H. Yunis, What Kind of Commentary is the περὶ Δημοσθένους of Didymus?, Pap. Kongr. XXI (Berlin 1995), 1049–1055; C. A. Gibson, Didymos Chalkenteros and the Ancient Scholarship on Demosthenes, Durham 1995, passim; Dorandi, Le commentaire 15–27; C. A. Gibson, The Critical Note Above Col. 12 of the Didymus Papyrus (P. Berol. Inv. 9780), ZPE 132, 2000, 148; ders., An Amphictyonic Decree, Aristotle, and the Scythians: A Crux in Didymus' Commentary on Demosthenes, GRBS 42, 2001, 43–56; ders., Interpreting a Classic. Demosthenes and his Ancient Commentators, Berkeley - Los Angeles - London, 2002, 97–136 und passim; T. Dorandi, Note sulla tradizione e sul testo del poema di Aristotele in onore di Ermia di Atarneo, ZPE 161, 2007, 21–26; McNamee, Annotations 242–245, Nr. 339; G. Nocchi Macedo, Aristophanes in Antiquity: Quotations and Testimonia in Papyri, APF 68, 2022, 254f.
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Publizierte Abbildungen:
Seider, Pal. Gr. II, Tafel XIX, Abb. 38 (Ausschnitt der Kol. XIV); Harding, Didymos on Demosthenes XI–XIV; CPF IV.2 (I.1+III), fig. 14 (Kol. IV–VI).

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