Material: Papyrus |
Acquisition: Grabung von Otto Rubensohn in Abusir el-Melek 1904. Find Location: Abusir el-Melek |
Form: Blatt |
Papyrusdepot |
Text Layout: 20 Zeilen. |
Side and Direction:
Verso, quer zu den Fasern |
Language: Griechisch |
Other Side:
anderer Text |
Genre: dokumentarisch |
Script and Notations: |
Date: 30 v.Chr. – 14 n.Chr. (Zeit des Augustus) |
Provenance: Alexandreia |
Dokumente unbestimmbaren Inhalts.
Archiv eines alexandrinischen Schreibers (TM Archives): Berlin texts |
W. Schubart, BGU IV 1159 V (descr.). |
Digital Images (see Terms Of Use): | P. 13091, Verso Rahmung notwendig |  |